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lun. 17 févr.


Location is TBD

Living from the Heart' Intro to Nonviolent Communication (Part 1 of 2)

Tosha Will be leading a 8 hour course in Nonviolent Compassionate Communication, on 2 separate days. Day one is Monday February 17th, 2nd day is March 30th. You must sign up and commit to both sessions. His full bio is on our website at He has been teaching NVC for 25

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Living from the Heart' Intro to Nonviolent Communication (Part 1 of 2)
Living from the Heart' Intro to Nonviolent Communication (Part 1 of 2)


17 févr. 2020, 10 h 00 – 15 h 00

Location is TBD


$ 100.00 for the 2 days, for more information and to reserve your place send an email to Tosha at You must send a deposit of $ 50.00 via interac to to keep your place.

 Living mindfulness within each of our human relationships is a challenge and a meaningful experience.

Offering and knowing how to respond to life (in oneself and with others) from empathy in itself, is a natural fertilizer for sustainability and a sense of relationships. This leads others to become allies and generates rich and supportive relationships.

 Knowing how to relate to our beliefs, and the parts of us that block our action, take away our energy, and prevent us from embodying our ideals. This is a very important step in human development.

This work can give us skills to develop a real communication that helps us to:

develop honesty and empathy within ourselves as well as in our relationships.

learn new ways of thinking and acting that lead to connection, renewal and continuous growth in relationships with oneself and others.

Recognize and value the needs behind all our actions and consider them as gifts.

Learn to communicate with respect and authenticity and put an end to our communications, the things that hinder mutual benevolence.


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